War is raging in DR Congo. Bunia is under attack and Furaha and Bisoke are forced to flee the country. They spent a short time in a refugee camp and made their way to Kenya
Through grants from the Anglican Church, Furaha and Bisoke are able to study at Daystar University. They meet their English teacher, Elsie Scaife. Fred and Elsie became friends and mentors to Furaha and Bisoke.
Furaha and Bisoke, Directors of BCHC (Family from left to right – Grace, Furaha holding Fred, Bisoke, Baraka)
Furaha and Bisoke complete their studies at Daystar University and begin their trek back to Bunia. They begin the ministry of caring for orphans.
One by one orphans are brought into the ministry to be nurtured, loved and fed. They soon need help in finding places for the orphans to live. Chaplain Emmanuel comes to their aid. He set out to find people who would take the children into their homes. They soon found a permanent solution to the housing issue. Individual homes would become a much better solution than to build orphanages.
Founding Directors of HCCA, Fred and Elsie Scaife
Fred and Elsie Scaife shared the plight of Furaha and Bisoke at Christ Presbyterian Church in Edina, MN. They established a list of friends, prepared newsletters, and the fundraising began.
Fred and Elsie wrote the articles and sent the photos to Ron. Ron produced the newsletters to be mailed out to supporters.
Planning meeting for the Beginnings of BCHC Pictured from left to right, Fred and Elsie Scaife and Joyce, Fred’s sister and and her husband Ron Urban.
As they found homes for the orphans to live, they focused on education. Initially Furaha was the teacher and as more orphans were brought into the ministry, more teachers were added. In the Spring of 2006 newsletter Fred noted the number of children at BCHC/Baraka Academy:
Standard 1, 42
Standard 2, 15
Standard 3, 11
Standard 4, 5
Baby School 26
Total 99 orphans enrolled in Baraka Academy
The children, as young as 2 years old, were enrolled in Baby School and began learning French, the official language. In time they would learn English as well.
Elsie’s Page in the newsletter commented on three emphases to the overall education of BCHC orphans: “Formal education, Life skills, and spiritual training. Life Skills training is concerned with those skills an individual needs for personal living, examples are: homemaking, gardening, home maintenance, etc.”
A new sewing program called “Les Filles des Dorcas” (Daughters of Dorcas) was started. Thirty-eight girls from age 8-16 participate in the program.
The dental program was started. Toothbrushes and other dental materials were obtained.”
Girls showing their work in the sewing program.
Autumn 2006
Compound #1 has been purchased and BCHC has clear title. The building has been renovated to provide classrooms for BCHC. Electricity and water have been installed. Through the French Immersion School in Edina and the Pathway Bookstore at CPC, books arrived at Baraka Academy.
A second compound was purchased and a new school building was constructed. Eighty orphans were added to the ministry. That brought the total number of children at BCHC to 179. The eighty children were selected from the Weekend Program.
The challenge to provide quality education continues to be a top priority.
The dental program has been successful and a nurse has been added to the staff.
A small SUV was purchased
There is a need to keep improving the facilities;
- more toilets
- improved food preparation facilities
- improved clinic facilities
- computers for training and to ease the tasks of the administration.
- a motorbike.
- a school bus to transport children living beyond reasonable walking distance
Fred and Elsie visit BCHC/Baraka Academy and bring a peanut grinder for use at BCHC. Elsie, with the help of DR Stephanie Jilcott, a missionary nutritionist, developed a diet plan for the children. The plan included a daily vitamin, milk and fruit each morning and a meal at 1:00 each day.
More children were added to the program;
246 orphans cared for by 186 host families.
Of the 186 host families, Furaha estimates 100 families need support to properly care for the children; as a result the micro loan program was introduced.
Self-sustainability was introduced; Plans were formulated to include banana plants, vegetable gardens and chickens to provide food and a source of income.
There is a need for a school bus.
Fred with Banura, the 2nd nurse at BCHC
First micro loan recipients.
Widows selling produce at the market.
Farm outside of Bunia.
Chickens laying eggs and providing meat on the table.
- First micro loan recipients.
- Widows selling produce at the market.
- Farm outside of Bunia.
- Chickens laying eggs and providing meat on the table.
From Fred, Spring 2008 newsletter, “Many of you know that Elsie suddenly passed away on Dec. 2, 2007. It is meaningful to continue implementing Elsie’s vision for BCHC now that it has become a living legacy and continues to develop in ways that would please her.”
Fred and his son, Jim travel to BCHC. Jim laid the cornerstone for the chapel that will become known as the Mamma Elsie Chapel.
This plaque was made in loving memory of Elsie Scaife.
- The new school bus was purchased and in use.
- A farm truck was purchased for hauling manure to the fields and harvested crops to the market
More construction at the compound;
- new kitchen
- dining hall
- classrooms are nearing completion.
- A well was dug by hand at the lower end of the compound.
- A new playground was constructed near the well. The local police department assisted in the purchase of materials and construction of the playground.
Furaha and Bisoke were blessed with a baby boy;
- Fred Bisoke, was born April 10, 2008.
- Summer 2008 newsletter introduced Glenn Mork
- Glenn traveled to Bunia in July/August of 2008.
- Glenn was able to attend the baptism of Fred, Furaha and Bisoke’s youngest child.
- Chaplian’s wife holding Freddie at age 3 months.
- Cultivating the farmland in this region is done by hand. Furaha and Bisoke have a desire to move towards western style farming.
Furaha and Bisoke searched the streets of Bunia; 250 orphans are taken off the streets of Bunia and brought into BCHC.
While in Bunia, Glenn stayed at the Bunia Hotel. There he met a man visiting Bunia.
“The miracle of what has been done in Bunia was explained by a man I had breakfast with one morning. Each day began with breakfast at a table outside my room. One morning I was joined by a man, originally from Germany, now living in Uganda. He travels extensively in the countries of Kenya, Uganda and DR Congo. We exchanged small talk and then talked of our work and why we were In Bunia. When I explained the ministry of BCHC, he looked up and suddenly realized what was so different in Bunia. He knew something was different but hadn’t been able to put a finger on it. Then he exclaimed, “There are no street children here!”
To God’s glory, he is right - another two hundred and fifty children off the streets and into homes, attending school, receiving medical and dental care and learning the love of Christ. Incredible!”
After successful fundraising;
- 245 widows participate in the micro loan program
- Jeanne Mbuse, hired as the Micro Business Coordinator
- Completion, and dedication of the new clinic
Restructuring takes place in Minnesota. Fred and Glenn saw the need to formalize the ministry for orphans and widows. A board of directors was formed, Glenn was voted in as the Executive Director with Fred receiving the title of Founding Director. Hope Centers for Children of Africa (HCCA) in now recognized by the federal government as a 501c3 organization.
- Founding Director, Fred Scaife
- Executive Director, Glenn Mork
- Board of Directors, Jim Doudiet, Joel Nash, Pastor Jim Ritter, Pastor Jim Scaife, and Travis Murphy
Dr. Nassan, Furaha’s father is working on his first patient at the Center. HCCA provided Dr. Nassan with a new protable dental unit so he can travel to the children.
- DR Nassan in front of his dental office.
- Dr. Nassan, Furaha’s father is working on his first patient at the Center. HCCA provided Dr. Nassan with a new portable dental unit so he can travel to the children.
100 orphans were added to the program each year in 2010 and 2011, which brought the total number of orphaned children to 700. Financial support from HCCA rose to over $5,000/month. In the fall of 2010, a tractor, disc and plough were purchased in Kampala, Uganda and shipped to Bunia. The implement dealer in Kampala assured HCCA the equipment would be delivered by December.
January is a good time of the year to enlist the help of a MN farmer In 2011 Dwight Mork was the first of several Minnesota farmers to come to Bunia to assist in training of agricultural practices, use of farm implements, and grain storage. Unfortunately the tractor and implements did not arrive until 6 weeks after Dwight left for Minnesota.
Many community members came to BCHC for the dedication of the Mamma Elsie Chapel.
Glenn, Furaha, UN soldier from Bangladesh and Bisoke at the dedication of the Mamma Elsie Chapel.
Partners in ministry from Bangladesh
- The doctor is in! In amazing ways the Lord brought a doctor to the clinic at BCHC.
- The doctor, Major Ahsan, of the Bangladesh Helicopter Fighter Squadron, wanted to share his training and skills with BCHC. He was stationed at the UN base nearby. They allowed him to work one day a week at the clinic until he completed his one year assignment.
- The squadron donated a sugar cane press. The press will turn sugar cane into a juice or sugar, both of which can be given to the children as a treat or sold at the local market.
- Sugar cane press
- Dr. Ahsan
A Minnesota based company, Midway Containers, supplied 240 5 gallon pails with lids for a safe water project.
- Ceramic filters were installed in some of the pails
- A large supply of Proctor & Gamble Pur Pacs were purchased
- Each method is effective in the supply of safe water.
- Safe water alternatives are just around the corner for BCHC. The pallets of pails and lids were placed in a shipping container along with many other items to be shipped to BCHC.
- Gene Fredrickson, President of Midway Container, INC
- Brown unsafe water.
- Water filtration units.
- Crystal clear safe water.
The shipping company had estimated the shipping time at 51 days. The container arrived in Bunia 121 days after shipment from the United States.
- In the spring of 2012 Glenn arrived in Bunia with 5 people from Minnesota to experience Africa/BCHC firsthand.
- Over 19,000 pounds of equipment and supplies had to be unloaded and inspected by the Customs officials.
- Farm equipment was transported to the farm and training began.
- The 4 row corn and bean planter was set up for training. Over the following week, hours of training prepared the Bunia team for using the planter on their own.
- During the “down time,” a steel bin was erected on site. The Bunia farm employees assisted in the project. They assembled the 2nd grain bin on their own!
- Containers were prepared for the safe water project.
- BCHC staff members trained the widows on how to use the P&G Pur Pacs so there would be safe water in all households.
- Each pail contains 5 gallons of water. That is enough for 2 households on a daily basis so 2 families share one safe water system.
- 3,200 pairs of shoes were unloaded from the container
- The chapel became a shoe distribution point. It was an amazing sight to see 700 orphans and others come in to select their pairs of shoes.
Before leaving for MN, the team traveled to Bogoro to visit the region. We were told over 1,000 orphans were living in the area with no-one to assist with school fees and medical treatment. Glenn knew he would one day be back in Bogoro to minister to the needs of orphans there.
- 2012 Team to Dr Congo
- Grain bin construction, MN farmers Craig Anderson and Steve Nowak.
- Glenn, local construction worker and Bisoke.
- Craig Anderson adjusting the settings on the planter, taking a break to show pictures of his family to curious children.
- Finding the right pair of shoes, Tracey Mork DeSmet assiting Achee with the search.
- Byaruhanga, Tracey and Abby setting up Safe Water Systems.
Baraka Academy is a very busy place. Over 1,300 students come to Baraka Academy each day to receive an education.
Self-sustainability is heading in the right direction.
- In 2010 and 11 our contribution to BCHC rose to over $5,000/month.
- In 2013 the farm was producing higher yields .
- Monthly contributions dropped to approximately $2,500.
- By the 2nd half of 2013 monthly contributions dropped to approximately $1,200/month.
In January 2013 Glenn and his wife Sherry traveled to BCHC with added emphasis on the Women In Development program. It was a wonderful time with the widows yet they discovered that as BCHC was moving towards self-sustainability, the widows continued to struggle with daily sustenance.
Sherry was greeted and presented with flowers
as she arrived at the grounds of Baraka Academy.
In August the 2nd container arrived with more equipment and supplies
August 2013 - People from 3 countries came to Bunia, 4 from the U.S., 2 from Czech Republic and 2 from Kenya. A church in Czech Republic sent two young adults. They were the first short-term missionaries to be sent abroad from their church. The 2 from Kenya were professors at Daystar University/Community Development department. Their task was to perform an outside review of BCHC. They were asked to determine the strengths of BCHC and give suggestions on how to build upon those strengths.
- Lukas from CZ, Tom C. from U.S., Krystina from CZ, Gordy Kotila and Dawn Kalvig.
- The sending church in Czech Republic.
- Dr. Stepan Rucki and his wife Lydia. Dr. Rucki was instrumental in seeking a partnership with HCCA/BCHC.
The Bio-sand filter system was introduced as an alternative to the ceramic filters and P&G Pur Pacs. The quest for self-sustainability must include safe water.
- A mold that Tom Constenius. constructed while working for Millerbernd Manfacturing in Winsted, MN.
- The process of sifting the gravel to be used in the bio-sand filter system.
- Tom Constenius, of Dassel, MN and BCHC employees built 10 bio sand filters (safe water systems) for use at Baraka Academy.
In September monthly contributions were reduced to $825/month! Self-sustainability was within sight.
- The board approved the hiring of Alexa Namubiru, a Ugandan. Alexa was hired to assist with the work in DRC. She trained under Furaha and taught Jeanne to use a computer and spread sheets for the micro loan program
- Tom Constenius, of Dassel, MN and BCHC employees built 10 bio sand filters (safe water systems) for use at Baraka Academy
- A heavy duty generator was installed at BCHC. Several buildings were wired so the generator could supply electricity to them during power outages.
- The carpentry shop opened and training for students began
- Tom began a welding class at the Center
- A hybrid maize seed was planted the first growing season of 2014. It produced a yield of 2-3 times that of what they had ever seen before.
- Alexa returned to Kampala to begin an exploration of working with orphans in Uganda.
- Tom’s 3 month stay in Bunia ended and he returned to MN
- Alexa assisting with the work in DR Congo.
- Alexa teaching Jeanne to use a computer and spread sheets for the micro loan program.
- The carpentry shop opened and training for students began.
- Students learn how to build furniture.
April 2014
Through the introduction of the hybrid maize seed, lots of rain and sunshine, the maize produced like never before. The drying racks for maize had to be doubled in size. Piles of maize filled the storage racks. The April harvest produced 2xs the amount of maize than they had ever experienced. A field of maize, 19 acres in size, was still maturing and would be ready for harvest in June. With that harvest, the yield would be 3xs the normal harvest.
- A new seed greatly increased the yield of maize.
- Pictured are Byaruhanga, Jean Pierrer, Chaplain Emmanuel and Bisoke.
- The storage bins are filling with a bountiful harvest.
- Already a bountiful harvest and 19 acres of maize yet to be harvested!
The board congratulated BCHC in achieving what most ministries in Africa never come close to achieving; Self-sustainability!
The HCCA BOD voted to stop financial support as of April 2014.
Fall of 2014, Alexa narrowed the search to the area of St. Andrews School in Wansalangi Village. She worked with the Vice Chair of the local council, Mrs. Juliet Nakabuka. Alexa found her to be very helpful in their work. In October Alexa informed HCCA that they were ready to purchase 20 acres of farmland in Uganda! $23,000 was raised to purchase the land and begin a new work in Uganda.
Luweero, Uganda
Alexa requested funds to hire a driver/general worker to assist with the work in Luweero District. Alexa and Emma moved to Luweero to begin work in earnest at the newly selected ministry location;
- Farmland needed to be cleared
- A temporary shelter for meetings needed to be built
- A selection process for widows and orphans needed to be implemented
Alexa, the Director of Operations/Uganda is a task oriented person. She gets things done.
Early in 2015 Glenn, Pastor Nate Nash and Ted Lloyd, both from ND, traveled to visit the new ministry in Uganda. It was a blessing to see the ministry 1st hand and get to know the widows and many of the orphans. Both Pastor Nate and Ted became board members for HCCA.
The well just outside the gates of St. Andrew’s School, was in need of repair. The Headmaster had been collecting donations for 2-3 years but did not have enough funds for the repair. Donors from North Dakota supplied the funds for the repair of the well. They also supplied the funds to drill a well on the farm. The well at St. Andrews was repaired. The children would no longer walk ¾ of a mile each day to the nearest well for water. Prior to the repair, the older children would carry water from 6-8 a.m. each day to supply the school with water.
- Fixing the well at St. Andrews.
- Fresh well water!
DR Congo
HCCA received word that Chaplain Emmanuel was no longer working at BCHC. Glenn received approval from the board to hire him. He first checked to see if the village council at Mwanga was ready to begin the work there but due to circumstances, they were not. The BOD of HCCA voted to begin laying the groundwork for a new ministry in Bogoro. Chaplain began in ernest.
Within a few months Chaplain Emmanuel informed the board that Uchama was unemployed and looking for work. He was the Headmaster of Baraka Academy. Both men were highly respected at BCHC. HCCA approved of the funds to hire him.
A new school building was constructed and 100 orphans were enrolled in school.
As the ministry began to develop, there was a need for someone to administer the Women in Development program. Chaplain Emmanuel informed me that Jeanne Mbuse of BCHC desired to work with them in Bogoro. The board approved of her hiring as well. The three formed a great team. Each of them had opened their homes to orphan.
Another building was constructed to be used as an office and meeting room for the staff, widows and community members.
Micro grant program – 25 widows enrolled and financed at different levels.
Jeanne Mbuse
Luweero, Uganda
Alexa continued to build the team and ministry at Luweero. She continually invested in animals and soon had small herds and flocks at the farm which included cattle, goats, sheep, chickens, ducks, and turkeys at the farm. It was quite impressive to see the number and variety of animals at the farm.
Micro Grant program; added 25 more widows to the program
School; we now have 150 children enrolled in school.
A new well was drilled at the farm. It was amazing to arrive in Uganda, interview Joseph from JImsco Well Drilling, hire them and have a functioning well within 8 days. HCCA plans to modify the well to turn it into a production well with a large tank in the field that will supply the drip irrigation system with water during the dry season.
- Well drilling.
- Clear water flowing!
DR Congo
April 2017 - Glenn made his first visit back to the Congo since May of 2014.
“It was a blessing to be back in DRC! The team met me at the airport. They drove me to the hotel and after a brief meeting, we went shopping at the local market. They dropped me off at the hotel to allow me to rest and get ready for the next day. We traveled up into the Blue Mountains each day to meet with various groups. We met with;
- Students/orphans
- Women in Development/widows receiving micro grant
- Teachers at the school
- The Chief of Bogoro and his council
- Various members of the community
We were able to explore the countryside, all of which allowed me to gain a better understanding of the demographics of the land. I believe we gained valuable insight and through much prayer, received a clearer vision of God’s plan for this region.
We are asking the Lord to give us wisdom and insight as we develop the plan for Bogoro.”
Plan of self-sustainability; Raise cattle, sell bulls at 3 years of age, continue to invest in young cows for breeding.
- Orphans and Students
- Widows recieving micro loans.
- The start of the herd.
- Various chiefs and leaders in the Bogoro region.
The first harvest produced very little due to the drought. After a meager harvest, they prepared the land for the next growing season.
The rains began so they quickly planted the current crops. The rains continued to fall and the crops were growing quite well.
The army worm invaded much of central Uganda and soon shelves were bare of the pesticides needed to combat the worm. James was able to purchase some spray but the damage was quite evident.
Craig Scaife, a nephew of Fred and Elsie, traveled with Glenn to Uganda. The team was excited to show us land 5.5 acres of land that is available for purchase. The land has already been cleared and has several buildings on site. The price for the land, buildings and closing costs is approximately $5,500.
The additional land will allow them to expand their farming operation which will include a passion fruit project and housing for a chicken project. The goal is to have 500 laying hens.
The board approved the purchase of the land at the May 15, 2017 board meeting.
- Craig hanging out with children in Uganda.
- Craig traveled with the family of Alexa and Robert to attend the funeral of Robert’s father.